Last October, I finally felt like I was ready to start letting people know about this blog. It was also around that time that I decided I wanted to start pursuing writing as more than just a hobby. I thought it might be a good idea to have business cards to hand out when I met other writers and/or people who might be interested in reading my blog. So I went to MOO.com, chose a simple design and a color scheme that matched my blog, and placed an order for my very own business cards. It took a while to figure out what they should actually say, but I finally decided that they would read: Dana Knowles, Writer/Content Creator.
I felt a little weird calling myself a writer then, but someone told me to stop calling myself an “aspiring writer” and just call myself a writer because, by definition, one who writes is, in fact, a writer. Still, I found myself dealing with a serious case of imposter syndrome. Sure, I write. I love writing – always have – and I had just launched this blog, giving myself my own platform to write and share my thoughts with the world wide web, but I wasn’t really confident enough to own that title. But now, a year later, I’m happy to say that I feel a lot more comfortable calling myself a writer: I’m still blogging, I’ve written dozens of poems, and I’ve even written (and gotten paid for) more than 30 articles for other sites (some credited and others ghost-written).
Speaking (Or Writing) Things Into Existence
It may seem small, but in a sense, by preemptively ordering those business cards, I was speaking into existence the writing career I’ve always secretly longed for. The concept of speaking something into existence is a common one, but how often do we actually use it? I’ve spent a great deal of my life saying things like “I wish,” “I hope,” “I want,” but now I try to think more along the lines of “I am,” and “I will.” So on that note: I am going to continue to advance my writing career and I will not give up even when I run into roadblocks along the way. I am no longer going to let fear get in the way of what I really want. As a reminder of this, I’m currently re-reading one of my favorite books, “The Alchemist.”
Thank God For Growth
Last month, I participated in GG Renee’s annual #30Layers30Days writing challenge. In fact, this post is a response to Day 30’s prompt: The Past Year. When I look back on what I wrote for last November’s prompts, I can see how much my writing has improved in just a year. I’m not going to lie: I was a little tempted to delete some of the posts I’m less proud of, but I decided not to because it’s a great reminder of how far I’ve come and how much further I can go with dedication and practice. It’s also a great way to throw caution to the wind a little bit. With a new prompt every day, I don’t have time to revise and edit my work as much as I want to, so what I end up sharing is usually a first draft, which if nothing else, pushes me out of my comfort zone. These daily prompts also serve as a great foundation for future writing projects because I can always come back to what I wrote and revise and/or expand upon it. They can be tough to commit to, but writing challenges are always worth the effort.

I’ve seen this floating around on social media lately and I relate to it so much!
This past year was filled with new challenges and I didn’t really know what to expect going in. I have not yet achieved every single goal I set out for myself, but I am well on my way. Timing is everything. I have faith that everything will work out the way it’s supposed to exactly when it’s supposed to. I’ve gotten so much out of my experiences this year and I gained clarity about where I want to go next. More than anything, I finally feel comfortable calling myself a writer. For me, that’s huge. As 2018 approaches, I am really excited for what lies ahead. It’s going to be a big year and I’m so ready for it.
What have you learned this past year? Is there anything that you’re looking forward to as a new year approaches? Let me know!
***Note: The link to the MOO website above is my personal referral link. If you’d like to use it to place an order, you’ll save 20%, and I’ll get $15 off my next order – because hey, why not? Right? 😉
Teresa W
Hi Dana,
I am so glad that I came across your blog. I loved reading about you and your hair journey. It’s funny because most of the time when I come across blogs I generally just graze it and keep moving; but your blog was so interesting and inspiring. I am so proud of you and so very happy that you found your purpose in life, well at least one of your purposes. You have such an authentic energy about you even through the web. I just have such a good feeling about you and the positive things that are ahead of you. You have such a beautiful spirit and I just had to tell you that . Again, I am so proud of you sister, keep up the great work. Don’t ever stop writing because reading your blog really was inspiring to me and actually made me think about some things that I wanted to accomplish for a while. God Bless sis. 🙂
Thank you so much for your kind words, Teresa! I’m so happy that you enjoyed reading the blog. I will be posting another update soon – stay tuned 🙂